RUSSELL/NOMURA Japan Style Index (Daily Report)

Russell/Nomura Japan Index

Index Numberof
Daily Index Return Return(%)(Non-Annualised)
20-December-2024 29-November-2024
IndexLevel %Change MthToDt 1 Mnth 3 Mnth 6 Mnth 12Mnth YrToDt
Total Market 1300 100.00 614.95 -0.4562 + 0.7667 -0.53 -1.03 -2.83 +13.48 +13.73
Total Value 996 50.68 1291.55 -0.4070 + 0.3796 +0.55 +0.27 -4.66 +16.31 +18.08
Total Growth 658 49.32 259.54 -0.5067 + 1.1678 -1.46 -2.15 -0.99 +11.04 +10.02
Large 250 84.39 593.08 -0.4765 + 0.6986 -0.71 -1.34 -3.39 +13.88 +14.32
Large Value 175 40.63 1203.65 -0.4680 + 0.1278 +0.47 +0.08 -5.38 +16.78 +19.04
Large Growth 156 43.76 273.25 -0.4843 + 1.2344 -1.64 -2.46 -1.56 +11.58 +10.64
Top 50 52.30 495.84 -0.7354 + 0.7545 -0.27 -0.91 -4.09 +16.96 +17.16
Top Value 32 21.62 1178.93 -0.8645 + 0.3712 +1.27 +1.62 -6.24 +21.02 +24.65
Top Growth 39 30.68 233.37 -0.6443 + 1.0263 -1.17 -2.41 -2.56 +14.56 +12.86
Mid 200 32.09 787.25 -0.0516 + 0.6073 -1.28 -1.89 -2.31 +9.79 +10.53
Mid Value 143 19.01 1135.01 -0.0133 -0.1481 -0.22 -1.32 -4.39 +12.90 +13.98
Mid Growth 117 13.08 385.44 -0.1071 + 1.7259 -2.55 -2.57 +0.51 +6.19 +6.56
Mid-Small 1250 47.70 773.73 -0.1483 + 0.7800 -0.77 -1.12 -1.46 +10.13 +10.42
Mid-Small Value 964 29.07 1264.39 -0.0642 + 0.3856 +0.09 -0.62 -3.46 +13.24 +13.89
Mid-Small Growth 619 18.63 332.49 -0.2792 + 1.4017 -1.86 -1.73 +1.49 +6.28 +6.14
Small 1050 15.61 734.66 -0.3465 + 1.1373 +0.42 +0.79 +0.68 +10.85 +9.97
Small Value 821 10.06 1417.21 -0.1601 + 1.4106 +0.76 +0.99 -1.29 +13.96 +13.64
Small Growth 502 5.55 247.41 -0.6824 + 0.6460 -0.07 +0.55 +4.21 +6.18 +4.53
Smallcore 350 10.75 295.23 -0.3287 + 1.3914 +0.49 +1.64 +1.56 +12.21 +11.42
Smallcore Value 260 6.74 439.55 -0.0555 + 1.4763 +0.67 +1.55 -1.41 +15.16 +15.00
Smallcore Growth 182 4.01 109.63 -0.7852 + 1.2488 +0.38 +1.93 +6.41 +8.34 +6.75
Micro 700 4.86 337.07 -0.3857 + 0.5798 +0.24 -0.86 -1.02 +8.24 +7.20
Micro Value 561 3.31 469.52 -0.3723 + 1.2770 +0.93 +0.06 -1.09 +11.98 +11.38
Micro Growth 320 1.54 109.54 -0.4145 -0.8854 -1.21 -2.77 -0.90 +1.15 -0.63
Prime 1000 98.71 2067.46 -0.4580 + 0.7727 -0.53 -1.01 -2.82 +13.55 +13.83
Prime Value 754 49.75 2587.43 -0.4084 + 0.3644 +0.58 +0.32 -4.68 +16.40 +18.25
Prime Growth 528 48.97 1530.11 -0.5084 + 1.1911 -1.47 -2.15 -0.98 +11.13 +10.14

PRICE RETURN (without dividend income)

Index Numberof
Daily Index Return Return(%)(Non-Annualised)
20-December-2024 29-November-2024
IndexLevel %Change MthToDt 1 Mnth 3 Mnth 6 Mnth 12Mnth YrToDt
Total Market 1300 100.00 1189.82 -0.4562 + 0.7668 -0.50 -0.07 -1.75 +16.11 +16.19
Total Value 996 50.68 2772.51 -0.4070 + 0.3799 +0.60 +1.58 -3.27 +19.75 +21.40
Total Growth 658 49.32 453.04 -0.5067 + 1.1678 -1.45 -1.50 -0.20 +12.97 +11.76
Large 250 84.39 1152.13 -0.4765 + 0.6986 -0.68 -0.38 -2.32 +16.47 +16.74
Large Value 175 40.63 2607.72 -0.4680 + 0.1278 +0.52 +1.42 -3.98 +20.22 +22.37
Large Growth 156 43.76 480.60 -0.4843 + 1.2344 -1.63 -1.81 -0.77 +13.50 +12.37
Top 50 52.30 994.46 -0.7354 + 0.7545 -0.25 +0.10 -3.03 +19.53 +19.63
Top Value 32 21.62 2627.17 -0.8645 + 0.3712 +1.32 +3.10 -4.79 +24.60 +28.23
Top Growth 39 30.68 428.89 -0.6443 + 1.0263 -1.16 -1.68 -1.76 +16.53 +14.69
Mid 200 32.09 1467.18 -0.0516 + 0.6073 -1.25 -1.01 -1.22 +12.41 +12.90
Mid Value 143 19.01 2362.14 -0.0133 -0.1481 -0.18 -0.13 -3.04 +16.20 +17.08
Mid Growth 117 13.08 637.65 -0.1071 + 1.7259 -2.53 -2.06 +1.28 +8.01 +8.08
Mid-Small 1250 47.70 1451.01 -0.1483 + 0.7803 -0.74 -0.22 -0.35 +12.82 +12.88
Mid-Small Value 964 29.07 2623.25 -0.0642 + 0.3861 +0.14 +0.57 -2.12 +16.59 +17.04
Mid-Small Growth 619 18.63 550.19 -0.2792 + 1.4018 -1.84 -1.20 +2.27 +8.15 +7.74
Small 1050 15.61 1401.67 -0.3465 + 1.1384 +0.46 +1.75 +1.83 +13.74 +12.65
Small Value 821 10.06 2927.46 -0.1601 + 1.4121 +0.81 +2.17 +0.05 +17.43 +16.90
Small Growth 502 5.55 410.12 -0.6824 + 0.6462 -0.04 +1.12 +5.02 +8.19 +6.33
Smallcore 350 10.75 456.50 -0.3287 + 1.3914 +0.53 +2.61 +2.70 +15.07 +14.09
Smallcore Value 260 6.74 717.19 -0.0555 + 1.4763 +0.72 +2.75 -0.07 +18.60 +18.25
Smallcore Growth 182 4.01 154.11 -0.7852 + 1.2488 +0.41 +2.56 +7.26 +10.39 +8.62
Micro 700 4.86 533.12 -0.3857 + 0.5832 +0.30 +0.07 +0.12 +11.18 +9.90
Micro Value 561 3.31 787.51 -0.3723 + 1.2816 +1.00 +1.22 +0.26 +15.49 +14.67
Micro Growth 320 1.54 150.60 -0.4145 -0.8845 -1.18 -2.32 -0.17 +3.05 +1.03
Prime 1000 98.71 3341.22 -0.4580 + 0.7729 -0.50 -0.06 -1.74 +16.17 +16.28
Prime Value 754 49.75 4550.92 -0.4084 + 0.3647 +0.62 +1.63 -3.29 +19.83 +21.56
Prime Growth 528 48.97 2278.85 -0.5084 + 1.1912 -1.45 -1.50 -0.19 +13.06 +11.87

TOTAL RETURN (with dividend income)

Base Date : 31-December-1979 = 100.0
Prime Index Base Date : 30-December-1996 = 1000.0
Smallcore, Micro Index Base Date : 30-December-1999 = 100.0

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