RUSSELL/NOMURA Japan Style Index (Daily Report)

Russell/Nomura Japan Index ( in USD )

Index Numberof
Daily Index Return Return(%)(Non-Annualised)
4-July-2024 28-June-2024
IndexLevel %Change MthToDt 1 Mnth 3 Mnth 6 Mnth 12Mnth YrToDt
Total Market 1391 100.00 979.14 + 1.2094 + 2.9813 -0.83 -4.29 +4.44 +10.51 +4.44
Total Value 1011 48.94 2090.71 + 1.5582 + 3.4135 -1.87 -3.57 +9.36 +18.63 +9.36
Total Growth 722 51.06 406.44 + 0.8774 + 2.5705 +0.18 -4.97 +0.17 +3.08 +0.17
Large 299 87.16 953.58 + 1.3033 + 3.3309 -0.84 -4.09 +5.57 +11.23 +5.57
Large Value 199 40.86 1978.17 + 1.7430 + 3.9362 -1.87 -3.46 +11.09 +19.74 +11.09
Large Growth 193 46.30 430.64 + 0.9185 + 2.8026 +0.07 -4.63 +1.21 +4.09 +1.21
Top 50 52.41 811.95 + 1.4621 + 3.8296 -0.17 -2.82 +9.73 +14.85 +9.73
Top Value 28 20.98 1972.78 + 2.1797 + 4.5948 -1.37 -2.40 +17.97 +23.76 +17.97
Top Growth 38 31.43 376.39 + 0.9886 + 3.3250 +0.65 -3.10 +4.90 +8.56 +4.90
Mid 249 34.75 1231.55 + 1.0648 + 2.5878 -1.83 -5.93 -0.05 +6.42 -0.05
Mid Value 171 19.88 1829.48 + 1.2860 + 3.2501 -2.38 -4.53 +4.72 +16.18 +4.72
Mid Growth 155 14.87 578.94 + 0.7706 + 1.7156 -1.10 -7.69 -5.66 -4.07 -5.66
Mid-Small 1341 47.59 1195.21 + 0.9327 + 2.0630 -1.54 -5.84 -0.73 +6.26 -0.73
Mid-Small Value 983 27.96 1997.03 + 1.0968 + 2.5444 -2.23 -4.41 +3.79 +15.30 +3.79
Mid-Small Growth 684 19.63 497.27 + 0.7000 + 1.3852 -0.56 -7.77 -6.42 -4.44 -6.42
Small 1092 12.84 1100.29 + 0.5770 + 0.6696 -0.77 -5.61 -2.47 +5.95 -2.47
Small Value 812 8.08 2139.06 + 0.6343 + 0.8485 -1.87 -4.12 +1.66 +13.52 +1.66
Small Growth 529 4.76 365.59 + 0.4801 + 0.3677 +1.15 -8.01 -8.71 -5.50 -8.71
Smallcore 347 8.36 184.88 + 0.5552 + 0.9220 -1.64 -6.02 -2.90 +4.98 -2.90
Smallcore Value 239 5.04 278.87 + 0.5611 + 1.0415 -3.28 -5.09 +1.50 +12.78 +1.50
Smallcore Growth 189 3.32 67.22 + 0.5462 + 0.7414 +0.96 -7.39 -8.87 -5.63 -8.87
Micro 745 4.49 222.33 + 0.6178 + 0.2028 +0.89 -4.85 -1.68 +7.91 -1.68
Micro Value 573 3.04 307.79 + 0.7555 + 0.5309 +0.56 -2.49 +1.90 +14.83 +1.90
Micro Growth 340 1.44 73.23 + 0.3281 -0.4832 +1.58 -9.41 -8.35 -5.37 -8.35
Prime 993 98.32 1591.35 + 1.2201 + 3.0347 -0.87 -4.32 +4.48 +10.45 +4.48
Prime Value 703 47.73 2025.39 + 1.5814 + 3.4942 -1.96 -3.65 +9.44 +18.53 +9.44
Prime Growth 548 50.59 1158.22 + 0.8816 + 2.6049 +0.16 -4.93 +0.25 +3.18 +0.25

PRICE RETURN (without dividend income)(in USD)

Index Numberof
Daily Index Return Return(%)(Non-Annualised)
4-July-2024 28-June-2024
IndexLevel %Change MthToDt 1 Mnth 3 Mnth 6 Mnth 12Mnth YrToDt
Total Market 1391 100.00 1875.75 + 1.2094 + 2.9813 -0.72 -4.11 +5.64 +13.03 +5.64
Total Value 1011 48.94 4428.77 + 1.5582 + 3.4135 -1.75 -3.36 +10.95 +22.00 +10.95
Total Growth 722 51.06 704.59 + 0.8774 + 2.5705 +0.29 -4.81 +1.05 +4.85 +1.05
Large 299 87.16 1834.18 + 1.3033 + 3.3309 -0.73 -3.91 +6.75 +13.73 +6.75
Large Value 199 40.86 4228.19 + 1.7430 + 3.9362 -1.76 -3.25 +12.66 +23.10 +12.66
Large Growth 193 46.30 752.18 + 0.9185 + 2.8026 +0.18 -4.48 +2.08 +5.87 +2.08
Top 50 52.41 1611.86 + 1.4621 + 3.8296 -0.10 -2.69 +10.90 +17.34 +10.90
Top Value 28 20.98 4332.18 + 2.1797 + 4.5948 -1.31 -2.25 +19.60 +27.16 +19.60
Top Growth 38 31.43 686.53 + 0.9886 + 3.3250 +0.72 -2.98 +5.80 +10.44 +5.80
Mid 249 34.75 2273.66 + 1.0648 + 2.5878 -1.66 -5.69 +1.13 +8.90 +1.13
Mid Value 171 19.88 3760.52 + 1.2860 + 3.2501 -2.22 -4.28 +6.24 +19.50 +6.24
Mid Growth 155 14.87 952.26 + 0.7706 + 1.7156 -0.92 -7.47 -4.85 -2.46 -4.85
Mid-Small 1341 47.59 2219.99 + 0.9327 + 2.0630 -1.38 -5.60 +0.51 +8.80 +0.51
Mid-Small Value 983 27.96 4092.37 + 1.0968 + 2.5444 -2.08 -4.16 +5.36 +18.63 +5.36
Mid-Small Growth 684 19.63 817.97 + 0.7000 + 1.3852 -0.39 -7.56 -5.58 -2.80 -5.58
Small 1092 12.84 2078.19 + 0.5770 + 0.6696 -0.64 -5.38 -1.10 +8.64 -1.10
Small Value 812 8.08 4364.89 + 0.6343 + 0.8485 -1.74 -3.87 +3.31 +16.88 +3.31
Small Growth 529 4.76 602.05 + 0.4801 + 0.3677 +1.27 -7.81 -7.74 -3.80 -7.74
Smallcore 347 8.36 283.02 + 0.5552 + 0.9220 -1.52 -5.81 -1.56 +7.58 -1.56
Smallcore Value 239 5.04 449.52 + 0.5611 + 1.0415 -3.16 -4.86 +3.11 +16.08 +3.11
Smallcore Growth 189 3.32 93.85 + 0.5462 + 0.7414 +1.07 -7.20 -7.91 -3.94 -7.91
Micro 745 4.49 348.07 + 0.6178 + 0.2028 +1.02 -4.57 -0.22 +10.75 -0.22
Micro Value 573 3.04 509.91 + 0.7555 + 0.5309 +0.69 -2.19 +3.62 +18.31 +3.62
Micro Growth 340 1.44 100.08 + 0.3281 -0.4832 +1.72 -9.17 -7.37 -3.69 -7.37
Prime 993 98.32 2546.39 + 1.2201 + 3.0347 -0.76 -4.13 +5.68 +12.96 +5.68
Prime Value 703 47.73 3515.33 + 1.5814 + 3.4942 -1.84 -3.44 +11.02 +21.88 +11.02
Prime Growth 548 50.59 1713.12 + 0.8816 + 2.6049 +0.27 -4.77 +1.12 +4.95 +1.12

TOTAL RETURN (with dividend income)

Base Date : 31-December-1979 = 100.0
Prime Index Base Date : 30-December-1996 = 1000.0
Smallcore, Micro Index Base Date : 30-December-1999 = 100.0

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